Disturbances May Contribute to
Science Daily reported on findings of a
study that links a lack of sleep
or poor quality sleep to obesity.
The opinions drawn from the research may
be found in a paper printed in the
American Journal of Human Biology and
that paper states that the research
demonstrates a correlation between a
lack of sleep or poor quality sleep to
adverse effects in an individuals
appetite regulation, glucose metabolism
and blood pressure. These findings may
be significant in helping those
attempting to lose weight ...
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Insufficient Sleep Could Result
To More Calorie Consumption
study has linked obesity with not
sleeping enough.
In this study participants either slept
normally or slept only two-thirds their
normal time. During this period,
researchers looked at the levels of some
hormones which are important in
regulating food intake, as well as
overall food intake and activity levels.
Interestingly, the sleep-deprived group
consumed an astonishing 549 extra
calories per day, in comparison to the
well-rested group. Furthermore, this was
associated with higher leptin and lower
ghrelin, but this is more likely to be a
consequence of eating more, and not
necessarily what caused ...
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Finds Most Weight Loss
Supplements Are Not Effective
people constantly seek the easiest
methods that they can find to lose
weight. For example, they tend to grab
the latest shiny magic pill in the
market to achieve weight loss. A study
conducted by an Oregon State University
researcher confirms that "no research
evidence exists that any single product
results in significant weight loss". In
fact, many of these weight loss
supplements have detrimental health
benefits. Researcher Melinda Manore
revealed that some of the products such
as green tea, fiber, and low-fat dairy
supplements can produce a modest weight
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Brisk Walking Can Help Prevent
know that 50% of obesity cases are
influenced by genetics, but can this be
overturned? In other words, even if you
have the doomed genes, can you still
have a healthy weight? Or no matter what
you do, will you put on the pounds? At
first glance,
the study suggests that a
one-hour brisk walk can prevent obesity.
The overall message coming out of this
study is that we don't have to feel
doomed with the genes we have, and a
little exercise goes a long way.
However, effects of this exercise are
limited and unfortunately don't
completely override the detrimental ...
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Monitoring and Support May Aid
in Weight Loss Goals
Health Day News reported some
interesting and encouraging findings
following a study conducted on 210
overweight or obese adults. The
participants of the study were asked to
track an assortment of daily
weight-loss-related activities in a
personal weight loss diary. Using a
paper diary, an electronic diary that
provided no feedback, or an electronic
diary with daily feedback, participants
were asked to make regular daily entries
regarding calorie intake, fat intake,
daily exercise, energy levels, and ...
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New Diet
Drug Rejected by FDA
investigational weight loss pill was
again rejected by the FDA to become the
second diet drug rejected in the same
week. The diet pill, Qnexa, was
developed and manufactured by Vivus and
was submitted to the FDA for approval
following a number of clinical trials
conducted by the company. People with
weight problems shed off between 6 to 10
percent of their weight, according to
the results from clinical trials. In
fact, at a previous meeting of outside
experts convened to vote on the drug,
one of the panelists at the meeting
appraised the drug being superior to
every other ...
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Results of Obesity in Teenagers
teenagers will continue to put on more
weight as adults, according to a study.
This is especially concerning as the
statistics for obesity in the USA are
already alarming. One third of children
and teenagers are overweight, and two
thirds of adults are obese. Overweight
youngsters are becoming the norm, with
many 8 year olds weighing as much as the
average 12 year old. As these young
people hit puberty, their body shapes
change with more muscle being put on
larger bones as they grow. Young girls
start growing breasts and both sexes
tend to spend more time on less
energetic pursuits, passing a lot of ...
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Breaks During Prolonged Sitting
Improves Health
study confirmed that overweight and
obese people's health can improve if
they take frequent short breaks of light
or temperate intensity activity like
walking to interrupt long sitting
durations. This is because these light
activities help in keeping the glucose
and insulin levels under control even
after taking meals with high calories
level. Repeated spikes in blood sugar
are often associated with "poor health
outcomes, including artery stiffening
and cardiovascular disease". Larger and
recurrent spikes damage the artery and
vein walls increasing the vulnerability
to ...
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May Not Induce Weight Gain?
to a review and meta-analysis carried out by
David Jenkins of the University of Toronto and
his colleagues, fructose is no more a culprit in
weight gain than other carbohydrate types. While
fructose was associated with weight gain when
taken in high doses, it wasn't proven if the
excess weight was due to the fructose intake or
an overall high calorie intake. In fact,
according to a recent trial conducted by George
Bray of Pennington Biomedical Research Center in
La., extra calories do lead to an increase in
fat, no matter what the diet composition.
Read Full Article.
Low-Fat Diets May Each Help the
you belong to the group of
frustrated people trying to lose
weight in your belly area,
here's a recently discovered
fact to encourage you even
further: whether you're on a
low-fat or low-carbohydrate
diet, you will shed off belly
fat. Better yet, when you lose
weight from your stomach area,
you improve the functions of
your blood vessels. These
findings came out as the results
of a study headed by Professor
Kerry Steward of the Johns
Hopkins University School of
Medicine and Johns Hopkins Heart
and Vascular Institute. In this
study composed of 60 men and
women who tipped the scales at
215 pounds were made to adopt
either a low-fat or low-fat diet
with equal amounts of daily
calories. Over the course of six
months, the low-carb dieters
lost 28.9 lbs and the low-fat
dieters shed 18.7 lbs.
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Do Brown
Fat Cells Hold the Key to
Eliminating Obesity and
article appearing in Science
Daily reports that at the 93rd
meeting of the Endocrine Society
held in Boston, Aaron Cypress,
MD, PhD, reported scientific
findings which have lead
researches to believe that brown
fat in the human body may be
helpful in treating obesity and
Initially, it was believed that
brown fat cells were only
present in infant humans and
small mammals. Further studies
revealed that brown fat cells
are found in most adult humans
in an area extending from the
front of the neck to the chest.
However, the most recent studies
have revealed that brown fat
cells lie in areas of deep fat
in other regions of the ...
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Can Frozen Diet
Meals Help You Lose Weight?
to researchers at University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, frozen meal diets
were found to be effective in inducing
weight loss among subjects. The study
found that consuming convenient,
nutritious frozen dinners was an
effective and easy way to watch and
control portion sizes. Frozen diet meals
have been gaining immense popularity due
to their proven effectiveness ...
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Long-Term Weight Loss Requires Almost
Double Suggested Amount
of Exercise
Heart Association (AHA) recommends at
least 30 minutes of moderate intensity
activity five days a week for healthy
adults. Unfortunately, this study
conducted at the University of
Pittsburgh, which involved 201 women
ages 21 to 45, found that this was not
enough to avoid weight gain in the
long-term. The study concludes that
people should try to engage in more
exercise or ...
Read Full Article.
I Lost 255
Pounds! |